Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Depth of His Love

Can someone just answer this question for me? How do I let God take on the guilt of my sin when I feel that no one else (especially God) deserves it? Is it suppose to be a beautifully cathartic release? If anyone willingly took on this burden, I would surely give them my life, and yet I'm faltered by the injustice of it all...


Eric said...

just remember that God wants to be with you and have a close relationship with you, and he is willing to pay the price.

Benjamin Wolf said...

deep might enjoy alex kirk's talk about freedom from guilt

DCBuddy said...

ayah, hyperlink too long to copy :(

Benjamin Wolf said...

fine then...go to the iv website then click on "past speakers" under the Quick Links/Resources title on the left


DCBuddy said...
