Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Loosen up, chump

I learned today that I need to be less serious. About things in general, i think. Here's the interesting part though, you want to know how this lesson was brought upon me?

I was hit by a BUS.

That's right. A flipping double decker Magic Bus. I was walking back to campus on Oxford Road - the main street connecting the University to the City Centre - when i heard a sudden loud, sustained honk and before i knew it, an unknown object slapped me on the back of my head. Turns out, the bus driver was going much faster than he realized and accidentally swiped me while attempting to stop. After I recovered, I looked up for a second and saw the bus driver. he was saying something to me, but the bus door was closed so obviously i couldn't understand a word. For a second, even, i thought he was yelling at me. The nerve! so in response i just raised my hand up in a "don't worry about it chump" kind of way and kept on walking.

I didn't really want to make a deal out of it because (1) it didn't really hurt and (2) i didn't want to be exposed of my international, naive nature. A few minutes, later, however, and the honking monster was back. This time in small, spurted honks. The man was stalking me, i swear! Anyway, i looked up, and got a little more annoyed. The driver was motioning me to come over and at this point i was really nervous because i thought he wanted to have a tiff with me. Anyway, i walked into the bus and to my surprise he asked me, "you alright mate?"

"yeah," i said
"listen, i'm sorry about that, i'll give you a free ride. Where are ya headin?"

It was just one or two blocks to where i needed go, so the ride wasn't terribly awkward. On the bus i heard various snickers and a "i woulda busted ma head!" among the crowd, but that's about it. In retrospect, however, it made me realize that i need to have more humor regarding my life and those around me. Not in a way that puts myself or others down, but one that is more receptive towards other people and the comedy that surrounds our life. Anyway, the point is i was changed. sort of. after being hit by a bus. now that doesn't happen every day, does it?


Beka said...


remember, look RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT

Benjamin Wolf said...

haha, wow dad...glad you're ok...doesn't it remind you of the good ole days of C1's and such

Benjamin Wolf said...

i mean, umm, dan :)

Andream3722 said...

:) oh dan, haha.

PS. any chance I could become a contributor to this blog. It would be a good way to stay in touch and even though I'm not "abroad" persay... I guess I'm studying "off campus" from Duke :)

Beka said...

oh my gosh, andrea, you should totally write on this blog!

DCBuddy said...

i fully concur. Andrea, just email ben wolf and he'll get you hooked up. The only catch is you have to have a google account.

Amy said...


I can't believe that happened to you! I'm glad you are alright though. :)

Just remember the skills from Frogger... don't get HIT!

huh? said...

dan... 0.o
i'm glad you're ok... make sure to check both sides of the street from now on...

Grace said...


i understand a need for a sense of humour but i really hate how aggressive bus drivers are though. at my campus, they don't even stop. they just look at you like "yeah, you know what you're suppose to do." but then i always think -- what if someone trips?? then they're dead! i do not have a good sense of humour towards bus drivers.. but thanks for sharing your story!