Saturday, March 7, 2009

IV update

Hey guys!

A lot's been happening around here lately. We had Coach Cutcliffe speak last large group, which was pretty cool. Some new GiGs are starting, including another frosh one. We've finished up CTeam for next year and are ready to announce. The Bonx team left this morning after being worried about havign enough cars until very recently. Yeah, it's been cool.

In other news, OIT'sservers have pretty much died. They crashed twice this week, knocking out wireless on campus and a lot of Duke sites, including ours. But I've uploaded some new content recently.
Cool! Hope you guys are all doing well! Duke plays Carolina in Chapel Hill tomorrow!!


Jason said...

there's another gig??!
that's exciting!
gigs were such a good call, ben. seriously

sabrina said...

ditto Jason

Beka said...

thanks for posting this ben! i still check it regularly =D