Sunday, April 12, 2009

ch 4 thoughts and HAPPY EASTER

I think it's really really cool to think about how Jesus' life affected people around the world even if not religiously. The writings of Josephus sound pretty cool.. to get a non-biblical perspective of Jesus. the fact that there are second hand accounts of the blackening of the sky at the crucifixion is really cool. I think an amazing thing about Jesus' life is that he was involved with all sorts of people from the outcasts to the religious leaders to the roman authority. His life was just asking to be written in history (and of course, scripture).

It's also interesting to me to think about the lives of those that Jesus touched. Like what happened to the centurion, the blind people, the lepers, the formerly demon possessed. They must've gone on with their lives completely changed. It'd be interesting if they found like writing from them, but then again writing was probably not a tool the disadvantaged had.

The more i think about Easter, the more perfect the story seems. A story of faith and love.

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