the strong tower i once was is no more. there are gaps and holes and emptiness. blocks of comfort, friends, family, home is quickly removed. new pressures, surroundings, people, language are added one by one. i am wobbling and the slightest blow will make me topple. dear Dad, please fill the emptiness with Your love, please help me stand firm with the knowledge that You are with me.
catch phrase. charades.
my señora and i communicate. there are words and phrases i don't know how to say. i fill the space with umms and uhhs. i jump from one word to another trying to express an idea. she moves her arms and makes facial expressions. i match these with what i think she is saying.
it is physically draining because i feel the need to understand everything. but, i find myself easily zoning out. spanish so quickly becomes background noise. to prevent this, i mentally slap myself back into reality. i think i'm getting better, but it's difficult to understand. i hear things that aren't said.
maria (what i hear): "quieres ver algo?" [do you want to see something?]
me (thinking: hmm, i don't know what else there is to see in this pueblo, i'll just say i don't know): "no sé"
everyone stops and just stares at me for a second. i find out later:
maria (what was actually said): "quieres beber algo?" [do you want something to drink?]
at the swimming pool:
a friend of my señora (what was actually said): "sabes nadar?" [do you know how to swim?]
a friend of my señora (what i hear): "sabes nada?" [do you know nothing?]
at first, i was quite taken aback. (what i was thinking): excuse me? i'm not the best at spanish, but that doesn't mean i know nothing!
Wow. i haven't been on internet explorer to read the blogs i keep up with but i'm glad i opened it now (although you wrote this like half a month ago). I hope you keep hanging in there and depending on the One and Only. I'm putting you on my white board prayer list.
oh yeah, and don't worry too much about the language barriers. i had a LOT of problems communicating at first but you'll pick it up after a while. =)
thanks sabrina! :)
This is a very interesting post, and the comments are also fantastic to read. I’ll have to have a little re-think about my own contact form on our new website, as this poses some interesting questions!
study abroad
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