we started our second block today too. (marine animal physiology). i'm actually a little disappointed. i thought we were gonna cover a lot of different animals, but it seems like we're just looking at intertidal animals and our syllabus only has stuff for osmoregulation and respiration.. not to mention we have to write papers (i really hate papers). class time is only like 2 hrs a day though, so that's amazing. as a result, i got to check off a couple of things i wanted to do while i was here:
1) go fishing. i didnt completely catch anything, but the view from the pier was amazing. i managed to drag a spider crab to the edge of the water, but it let go and the pier was tall. that was exciting.
2) go for a run on the beach. I was trying to get myself pumped up for this cause it was beautiful and warm outside. I drove like 15 min to the beach, got out, and ran for like 1/4 a mile and gave up.. not so epic (i'm so out of shape). i got to enjoy the beach though, so that was exciting too. I found 2 pretty cool rocks, so i added that to my collection.. they were a lot shinier when they were in the water, but they're still good.
I think I could get used to living at the ocean. This summer i spent 8 weeks living at the southern tip of taiwan maybe 100 meters away from the water's edge. The water always catches your eye, but the sun has all the tricks to keep it. For some reason i like the sunset in the pacific better, but the atlantic does a pretty good job too.
haha, i could probably do some kind of skype thing...
nice pictures
Pardon the tardiness. I've been out every day of the week for some event or another (out again tomorrow) so I didn't get a chance to reply earlier. And I agree, great pics. :) Since I lost my student traveling pass last weekend, I didn't go to church and ended up listening to friday lg's speaker too. I thought the talk was kinda refreshing in that the speaker wasn't afraid to not be pc at times. He made me think about what did I really want deep down. What do I care about? How am I with God? It's been a week though, so I don't remember the message that clearly. I remember thinking though, that I agreed with his main points. I believe we've got to be able to have a relationship with God first before we should do dating, and 'Christian' dating isn't God-glorifying unless God's a huge part of it as well. I also appreciated the great reminder that ppl who date a Christian are no better than ppl who date a non-Christian. I realize I've just always had that subconsciously in my head. Dumb.
I will really try to post up an update tomorrow...
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