Hi Guys,
As you could probably gather from Facebook pictures, me, Amy, Natalie and Dan (apparently The B.A.N.D.) just came back from a weekend together in Brussels, Belgium. I had an amazing time and it was really good to see people that I haven't seen since May. At the same time, coming back from seeing them suddenly made me feel a twinge of homesickness that has eluded me since I've been in Glasgow.
As of today, there are 54 days left until my flight home, and there were 110 days from when I arrived in Glasgow. At this point, a little past the halfway mark, I've been reflecting on my time here and it's really been an incredible experience but just the same, I'm suddenly feeling a little wistful for people at home (in NJ and Duke). Glasgow will never feel like "home" to me and I'm beginning to feel really itchy to see people, especially my parents, my best friend and Peter.
It's hard to maintain relationships through purely electronic communication like skype, AIM and facebook. In the end, when you think about it, you're just talking to a hunk of metal and that's pretty depressing.
I'm sorry I'm being so emo right now, but I just wanted to let the people at Duke who read this blog and feel jealous of those of us studying abroad know that we're jealous of you guys too!
Anyways, to end on a lighter note... studying abroad has definitely helped me realize how amazing God is in that he's the same God in NJ, at Duke, in Scotland, in South Africa, in Australia, etc. He transcends all geographical boundaries and doesn't need a passport =]
I hope that you guys at Duke have a FABULOUS time at fall retreat and I look forward to living vicariously through your pictures!
good post! miss you all very much :)
yeah, i know what you mean about wanting to actually see people.
hope you enjoythe rest of your time in glasgow :)
awesome post Beka, I can't agree more with the fact that our hearts (or at least a majority of em), are still back at Duke.
wow i totally agreeee.
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