Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hello, folks! Emily here, writing from the University of Reading in England. Although it seems that most of you have already pushed through the first round of midterms and into the relief of fall break and fall retreat, this is only my third week of classes.

I am taking courses solely in typography – Design Practice 1, Introduction to Editorial Design, Typeforms, and History of Graphic Communication – which is quite a departure from the chemistry major. It’s delightful to finally be able to study something I’ve dreamed of for a few years. I enjoy enjoying homework. On average, I have a rather alarming seven (or fewer) hours of class per week. It’s been an exercise in time management and diligence, as well as an opportunity to hop on trains and travel hundreds of miles.

Free time and longish train rides to faraway places have left me the space to read, think, and talk to God. It’s excellent. Although I’m away from InterVarsity and West Club, God has definitely met me here (including but certainly not limited to providing a church and a campus fellowship) and is pushing me to grow. I am learning about pride, idolatry, and faith. They are inextricably bound to each other, which simplifies everything yet makes each step towards change seem that much harder. Leaving the first two leaves me little to cling onto but the third. Which is the point, I think.

Let me know how things are going at Duke! I can catch a glimpse through facebook, but I’d prefer to chat – I have AIM, gchat, and skype. Less stalking, more talking ;]